Can i illuminate the selected language (like as hover)?
This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 2 months ago ago by Eva Kemp
Can i illuminate the selected language (like as hover)?
Try this code in Global Cutom CSS
#lang_sel_list a.lang_sel_sel {
color: red;
Robert Hall.
sorry, it doesn’t works. I need the following:
– Normal state: colour text white
– Hover: red
– Selected / Active: red
Now, I have this in custom.css:
.languages-area #lang_sel_list ul li a:hover {
color: red !important;
#lang_sel_list a.lang_sel_sel {
color: red;
Many Thanks in advance!
As I see now you added other links http://storage1.static.itmages.com/i/15/1203/h_1449161618_8011648_880a6f2991.png . Do you want to keep them or use WPML icons?
Eva Kemp.
Hello Eva,
I wanna keep the current ones. Few months ago, you wrote me the following:
“In this case you need edit the file header.php (lines 146-149) and write the links to your .po files instead of # in the code DE.
In this case you need also remove your widget from “Place in header top bar” area in Appearance > Widgets.”
Two questions:
1. I don’t understand what must I change exactly. In my PO files, I have these 2 fields:
msgid “ES”
msgstr “ES”
But it doesn’t works. I supposed, the name of msgid is not correct. Can you make me an example?
2. Can you explain me how can I illuminate this? White for normal link, red for hover and red for active / selected language.
Thank you very much!!!
1. You don’t need to changes anything in .po files.
You need edit the file header.php (lines 146-149) and write the links to your translated pages.
2. Add this code in custom.css file:
.top-bar .languages-area .links li a {
color: white;
Sorry, but there are no classes “current” or “select” for default top bar links.
Eva Kemp.
Hi Eva,
sorry for all the questions. I decide to return to use WPML widget, cause the navigation is better.
My last questions:
– Can I put now the text in white colour
– Why at top of the name of languages appears a white line?
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Please add this code in custom.css file:
.languages-area #lang_sel_list ul li a {
color: white !important;
#lang_sel_list a.lang_sel_sel {
color: #F00 !important;
To remove the line add this css code:
#lang_sel_list ul {
border-top: none !important;
Eva Kemp.
Tagged: friendly, illuminated, languages, themes, woocommerce, wordpress
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