Since the update, the images do not display properly on the product pages. When you click an image to enlarge it, the left and right arrows used to show the next image so customers could scroll through them, but now the arrows don’t work and each image has to be opened separately.
My images on the homepage and in category pages are now displaying at odd sizes. I try to make most of the thumbnail images square, usually 450×450 or 500×500 and I would like them all to display at the same size. How do I fix the size so all images are neat and the same size?
Also on the homepage when you click the side arrow on an image, it displays the second image for that product but much smaller and blurry. I want to make these all display at the same thumbnail size.
On the category pages when any product image is hovered over, the photo shrinks (which makes it blurry). Can this be adjusted so all thumbnails display at the same size when the mouse hovers over it ?
Thanks, Debbie