We need to implement e-commerce tags on the website. The GA team has identified the following issues with the data layer:
1. view_item: Datalayer is present at this event. The issue is with the missing parameters:
a. The value parameter is missing. It must be passed outside the items array
2. Items array:
a. Item list ID and Item list name are also missing
b. tem variant needs to be there as items can be differentiated on different variants of the same product – Color/ Size or any other
3. gtm.formInteract – This is not required. It is implemented when shipping details are filled out – https://prnt.sc/VEZYRt-e0Zor
4. All the other ecommerce data layer reports missing – view_item_list, select_item, add_to_cart, view_cart, remove_from_cart, begin_checkout, add_shipping_info, add_payment_info
Currently, GTM Kit plugin is installed: https://wordpress.org/plugins/gtm-kit/.
My colleague proposes to use Google Tag Manager for WordPress (GTM4WP). When he installed GTM4WP, it pushed a lot of data that should not be sent. He says this usually occurs when there is an issue with the website template and the values are being mixed up. He recommends to ensure that the template confirms to the following configurations:
How to implement these configurations correctly with their template. Which GA4 data layer plugin they recommend we use with the template GTM4WP, GTM Kit or some other.