I want to import an additional page, may I ask how will it change my customization? What kind of customization will it change?
This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 10 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
I want to import an additional page, may I ask how will it change my customization? What kind of customization will it change?
Please see screenshot – http://prntscr.com/nsoeuh
Also, you can get separate pages from our demo by importing xml files of required pages. Download “XStore import files” from this page https://www.8theme.com/downloads/ > find the appropriate folder with dummy.xml.gz inside http://prntscr.com/nsogdm Then go to Tools > Import > WordPress > choose .xml file.
If I download from https://www.8theme.com/downloads/ and import a specific page, will it affect my other settings of the website (styling, translation etc.)?
It should not affect them.
If you provide temporary wp-admin access and list of pages (links from our demo), we will be able to add pages on your site.
I just want to import this specific page. Thank you for your help.
I’ve created “services” page. Please check.
Thank you
You’re welcome!
Hi, I’m trying to also import just a single page. I want the homepage for the Sneaker demo site. The import files folder is empty on the full archive. The document you placed in there says I should be able to find the import files in the downloads section, but I do not seem them. I know how to import a page. I just need the XML file please.
I have sent you the import file to your registration email. You can import that in Theme Options > WooCommerce > Single product > Import/Export.
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