When you import a page, the actual slider (Slider Revolution) is not imported – is this a fault or can it be done and I have missed a step?
Example, I added the medical page to my site and the slider is missing – but that’s all I wanted from it – the slider as it suits our needs on this page. Also there are loads of elements that have not copied properly – so can I check, do I import page and select custom css only or do I rewrite the page too in order to get it working properly?
Also, is it possible to add particles / space efeects etc to a section background like we can do on elementor sections (background / slider allows particles / space / bubbles effects).
I am using WP Bakery but can swap to elementor if needed but prefer WP.
Admin info is added – page is Demo 2 (/demo-2/).
I just presumed that by importing the page, it would bring everything including the slider.
Additionally, on the homepage, if you shrink the screen slightly to say an ipad size, the homepage slider arrows are just empty blocks – as in the icons left / right are missing totally.