Hello Team,
Over the last 5-7 days, I’ve been sending this website to all my old users and customers, and they have praised it, saying it has improved a lot. I want to thank you all because this wouldn’t have been possible without your help. Your suggestions have really helped in making this website better, and I truly appreciate it.
However, I received feedback from some users that they don’t like seeing a price range like “200-1000” (just an example) for each product. It gives them the impression that the product might be expensive, and it confuses them about the actual price. Therefore, I kindly request that instead of showing a range, we display the price for each variation, including the MRP and discounted sale price. This way, customers can see the specific price for each item rather than a range of prices.
I would appreciate it if you could make this change for me. It’s both feedback for me and a suggestion for you to consider. If possible, could you also create a video showing how to make this change for one product? I can handle the rest of the products myself once I understand the process. This is a small request, and I’m sending you a screenshot to help you understand.
Thank you so much.