Hello Team,
I use xStore + WooCommerce + the FilterEverything PRO Plugin.
Example: When im on my Shop site https://modernbedacht.de/produkt-kategorie/ueberdachung and set some Filters. It shows my Filtered Products. When I go to the bottom of that page where the Infinite Scrolling Filter start, it shows different Products, not them I filtered for.
Do i have to disable some xstore Settings?
The Support from FilterEverything PRO, said that this issues are known and i should install https://de.wordpress.org/plugins/load-more-products-for-woocommerce/ but with that it doesnt work too.
I must configure some selectors. Do xStore use different Selectors as shown here: https://prnt.sc/XYY3-qHPEn6Q
Best regards,
Daniel Peters