– Shop Sidebar Filters:
The filters in the shop sidebar work well when applied, but removing a filter doesn’t seem to function correctly. For example, if I filter out-of-stock products and then try to remove this filter, it isn’t removed.
– Login and Register:
Is it possible to separate registered shop users from regular WordPress users, so each has its own list?
– Wishlist and Compare:
We require the wishlist and compare functions to work at the variation level rather than just at the parent product level.
– Price Range Filter:
Currently, the price range filter functions manually based on the values set in the widget. We need it to automatically detect price ranges based on the prices available in the shop to ensure it always reflects the accurate price range.
– Bought Together Feature:
The “Bought Together” feature isn’t displaying in the shop. Could you kindly advise where we can find this feature (on the cart level or product page level)?
– Mega Menu Hover Intent
Kindly advise if you have a hover intent feature in the mega menu which can delay mega menu opening