Hi, I need to inser any things next to de logo on my site, for example my contact information and one text box for my customers can contact me, for example, Do you want contcat us? give us your phone
Is possible?
This topic has 15 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 8 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hi, I need to inser any things next to de logo on my site, for example my contact information and one text box for my customers can contact me, for example, Do you want contcat us? give us your phone
Is possible?
You can edit the file header.php. We recommend making changes in the child theme not to lose changes after the theme update.
Ok, thanks I try and tell you anything
Best regards
Ok. Feel free to ask if you have any other questions.
hi, I try, but I don´t know how to see the child theme..
I don´t know to see the results of my changes.
Please make required changes in child theme and activate this theme on your site in Appearance > Themes. If changes have been done correctly the effect will be visible. Do not forget to clear cache.
thanks but I don´t get to insert a text with: ” Contact: phone-935363601 mail-spall@spall.es” in a same color of top bar…
I try in diferent spaces in the header, but I dont see anything 😉
Please see an example – http://prntscr.com/jiy74y > http://prntscr.com/jiy7cp
<div class="contact-us"><div>Custom text</div></div>
.header .contact-us {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
Sorry but I put this: <div class=”contact-us”><div>Custom text</div></div> in the same place of your picture and this I put in the custom css of page:
.header .contact-us {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
But I dont see anything in mya page
I have put color: #ffffff; –> for white color to see in the black backgroud of my header but I dont see anything
I’ve edited your legenda-child/header.php file via FTP. Please clear cache and check now – http://prntscr.com/jizde0
I do not see the custom code via the console on your site. Whare you added the code? Please add required custom css in style.css file of the child theme.
Very good now yes!! thanks
Sorry but I see I have to change in legenda child in stylecss and header.php, Why? IF i change anything in Legenda, Not run…
And I change size of letters and color but I don´t get to put in only line and more to left, is possible?
We recommend making changes in template files via child theme to prevent losing them after theme update. css code can be added in custom.css file of parent theme or in style.css of the child theme and this code won’t be lost after theme update.
Please change:
.header .contact-us {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
.header .contact-us {
margin-top: 30%;
margin-right: 25%;
@media only screen and (max-width: 890px) {
.header .contact-us {display: none;}
thanks for yours recommendations, I will do this.
Now is good the code, very good
You’re welcome!
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