Hello, I just tried to install the theme and got a syntax error (json_syntax). WordPress support deactivated a plugin that they said was the problem. Now the theme wont work and is half my old theme and half the new theme.
This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 8 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hello, I just tried to install the theme and got a syntax error (json_syntax). WordPress support deactivated a plugin that they said was the problem. Now the theme wont work and is half my old theme and half the new theme.
Take our apologies if you face any inconvenience using our theme!
1) Could you, please, provide us with WP Dashboard and FTP access to your site? Our support team will take a closer look at your issue.
2) What version of the PHP do you use? It should be 7.0 or greater.
Thank you!
As I can see theme is installed. Required plugins were missing (Redux and Legenda core), so I have installed them. What demo version did you plan to install? And tell me when did you get that error?
Hi Olga,
The error occurred when I tried to install the theme to WordPress. It would not install and so WordPress Support installed it for me and removed the plugins in order to do so.
I would like to install Theme Version 1 Classic Store. Is there something more to do? I see the theme is still half my old theme and half the new theme?
Thank you,
I have installed the basic demo content without any issues. Also, if you decide to import any other version you can do this from theme options http://prntscr.com/t3a1zc
If you don’t need the pages from the previous theme you can just remove them and leave only Legenda demo pages.
Thank you Olga that is looking great and everything is working fine now. I just have on last question please – I wanted home page 10 on Theme Style 1. At least I wanted the banner that stretches all the way across the top of the home page. Do I need to create that from scratch or can I access that pre-made page? Thank you again!
You are welcome.
If the existing layout is ok and you just need to make the full-width row or slider then edit the existing page and edit the row settings http://prntscr.com/t6gj51
In case you want another page you can import in via Theme Options > Import demos > import page you need http://prntscr.com/t6gjut After that go to Settings > Reading > choose a newly imported page as the home page. Go to Pages > edit page to change page content according to your needs.
Amazing! Thanks again!
You’re welcome!
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