Hello @sebdicam,
It’s shown only if you’re logged in as an administrator. It won’t be displayed for your visitors.
Do you still want to hide those links?
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
This topic has 711 replies, 86 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 11 months ago ago by Eva Kemp
Hello @sebdicam,
It’s shown only if you’re logged in as an administrator. It won’t be displayed for your visitors.
Do you still want to hide those links?
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
If you can put it off, it’s ll be nice 😉
other questions:
– You give me the code to change the price and the price is still black:
– How can i do to have less space between my slider homepage and the banner under?
-You give the code to put it off the arrow of homepage slider and arrow still there.
Thank you.
Hello @sebdicam,
As I see the price is shown:
I’ve edited the code to hide slider arrows:
.hesperiden.tparrows {
display: none !important;
Please clear browser cache and check now.
Also I’ve added the code in CSS block of Visual Composer editor to reduce the space under the slider:
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Great! good job, thank you. When i tried for color price may be i should clear the cache before.
Can i have a true black background? When i compare the homeslide and the background, it’s different.
Do you know if it ll be update soon? because i ve obsolet file. I thinks, that’s why i have problems of translation in woocommerce. (english to french)
Thank’s a lot for your work.
Hello @sebdicam,
To have black background for page content use this code in custom.css:
.page-wrapper, .footer.footer-bottom-3 {
background-color: black !important;
Eva Kemp.
Thank you but, some blocks (like menu, footer) are not totally black and we see the difference. I have to change one by one?
I try to have the size of slider exactly like the size of the theme (1200px) but, even it’s the same size, it s bigger. Any idea?
How can i make a block (between menu and slider: “do you have any question” like on your home page: https://www.8theme.com/demo/legenda3/homepage-1/
Sorry for all these questions, i m not an expert.
Thank you
Hello, some more questions.
-How to reduce space between banner on my homepage?
-Is it possible to reduce the pict of category products?: https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/boutique-aito/
– My pict homepage slider is too big on mobile, how can i reduce just there?
Thank you, my website has to be ready for week end. I almost finished.
Thank you!
Hello @sebdicam,
Add this code for black background:
.container {
background-color: black !important;
To add block “Do you have any questions” you need add this code in Text element of Visual Composer editor:
<div class="custom-info-wrap">
<div class="custom-info-block a-left"><a href="#">Do You Have Any Question? Contact Us</a></div>
<div class="custom-info-block a-center"><a href="#">Get 15% Off When You Spend Over $100</a></div>
<div class="custom-info-block a-right"><a href="#">Free Shipping! All Orders Over $199</a></div>
To reduce space between banners you need edit your banner image https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Tattoo-hompage.png as it’s too big. Edit it with Photoshop or other image editor and reupload the image.
To reduce categories images add this code in custom.css file:
.span4.product-category {
width: 22%;
As I see slide isn’t shown. Have you removed background image?
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
I don’t know what’s happen with the slide, it disapear. I put it again. I do too many things in same time, i m lost 🙂
Thank you for your answer. I didn’t receive any mail for it…
– All is black now, but is it possible for all open menus to have dark grey like before inside. If you look now, all menus, you have black and grey inside. It’s not nice.
-Is it possible to put off wishing list from verywhere? and put off “product info” in single page product?
-My home slider is too big on mobile, any idea?
Thank you again, for your help!
Okay.. about the installation on my server.. the hosting provider ask me for your IP in order to open it up for you to install the new theme!
can you help me out with that?
Hello @Fred,
The IP has been sent to your email address.
Please check.
Eva Kemp.
Hello @sebdicam,
I’ve added this code in custom.css to change background color for dropdown menu:
.main-nav .menu > li .nav-sublist-dropdown .container, .fixed-header .menu > li .nav-sublist-dropdown .container {
background-color: #1E1E1E !important;
Please check it now.
If you don’t want to use wishlist that disable Wishlist plugin in Plugins section of wp-admin panel.
To remove “Product Information” title I’ve added this code in custom css:
.single-product-page .product-info h4 {
display: none;
I’ve set Background Fit to “cover” in the slider settings:
Now it’s shown properly on mobile.
Eva Kemp.
I saw you put my menu in grey, and put the slide correctly on mobile great! thank you.
I have some problems in the menu. When i organize it in menu section of wordpress (in each menu: “aito, le film” “pacifique”… wordpress don’t keep this organisation after i record it.
by example: for “aito, le film”
like you in your video i ve 2 parts: “le film” and “autour du film”, i want a pict in more then i don’t understand why i have to write “et-col4”.It’s only 3 columns.
And when i do it, my pict is small, then i do like you show on your video with a link elemnt under the pict but impossible to record. WordPress dont keep it.
Sorry for my english, i don’t know if u m enough clear.
Thanks for your patience! it’s almost done 😉
Hello @sebdicam,
Sorry, but it’s a bit unclear for us.
Are you trying to add an image to dropdown menu for “aito, le film” parent menu item?
As I see you’ve added an image successfully for dropdown menu “BOUTIQUE”.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Hello Jack,
Thank you for your answers.
Yes i put pict in dropdown menu but i would like more bigger. I ve some problem to do it.
Thank you.
One more question, this is the page of my shop: https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/boutique-aito/
In parameters of woocommerce, i choose “category and sub category”. Do you know why we look only category?
– Behind each titles of pages like here https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/categorie-produit/tane-pour-lui/
“Tane – pour lui” you have less dark block
Is it possible to put it off all?
– put it off “product code” and “catégory” from single product
thank you.
Is it possible to have social icons where normally are languages on header?
Thank you.
Hello @sebdicam,
Subcategories are shown when you enter one of the categories.
Please check it.
Add this code in custom.css:
.title span {
background-color: black;
To get image bigger in the menu add this code in custom.css:
li.image-item.menu-item.menu-item-type-custom.menu-item-object-custom.menu-item-8566 img {
height: 300px;
To show social icons in the header you need add shortcode [share]
in Text widget and drag it into “Place in header top bar” area in Appearance > Widgets.
Eva Kemp.
I encountered problem about installing this themes. Afer i installed via ftp, it is successfull installed but the css seems not works.
Hello Eva,
Thank you.
– Black block title–> done, great!
– When you see my shop: https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/boutique-aito/
you have only categories. I have a lot sub categories
– For the more bigger menu pict code: some change, some not and the pict of my shop is deformed.
– i try to put [share] in top bar widget, but nothing happened.
-for chat, on web site it’s wrote “nor connected” but in panel, i m connected.
– I would like the same block like yours in your template: “follow us, check out our newwordpress and our support is online”, could you give me code? please.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hello @lugas,
As I see the theme is installed, now you need to install demo content https://www.8theme.com/demo/docs/legenda/index.html#!/demo_data_installation , make sure Woocommerce and other required plugins are already installed.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Hello @sebdicam,
Subcategories can’t be shown on one page with parent categories, they are displayed when you open a parent category and subcategories of this opened category are shown then.
I’ve enabled “Languages area” in Theme Options > Header > Enable languages area > On and share icons are shown now. I’ve added this code in custom.css to align them:
.top-bar .languages-area .share-title {
display: none;
Regarding the chat issue please refer to this topic:
You need add the code in Prefooter area in Appearance > Widgets as described in our documentation:
https://www.8theme.com/demo/docs/legenda/index.html#!/widgets > Prefooter Row.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
– If i want this code just above my homepage slider, how wan i do it?: <div class=”custom-info-block a-left”><span>Follow Us:</span>
<i class=”icon-youtube”> </i>
<i class=”icon-twitter”> </i>
<i class=”icon-facebook”> </i>
<i class=”icon-rss”> </i></div>
<div class=”custom-info-block a-center”>Check Out Our New WordPress Theme !</div>
<div class=”custom-info-block a-right”>Our Support Is Online 24/7 <span>Support Chat</span></div>
– For social icons, in top bar, i want to put the link of my different social pagse, not sharing my website with.
– pictures size in menu? any idea?
Thanks, almost finished 😉
Hello @sebdicam,
I’ve edited your home page and added the code above the slider. Please check.
To change links for social icons in top bar you need edit the file wp-content/themes/legenda/framework/shortcodes.php (find the section ” ! Share This Product” in line 1238) and edit links for social icons, for example, to change Facebook link find the code <a href="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u='.$permalink.'&images='.$image.'" target="_blank"><span class="icon-facebook"></span></a>
in line 1260 and replace http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u='.$permalink.'&images='.$image.'
with url to your Facebook page.
Image in menu can be increased only with “et-col*” classes which you saw in the documentation. Image column will be increased this way.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Thank you,
Where did you put the code for that, i need to write in french. “Follow us……” and i need to put it off youtube and RSS and put google+ and vimeo+ their link.
Thank you.
Hello @sebdicam,
I edited your home page, please look at the screenshot:
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Thank you, is it possible to have vimeo and google+ icon? For the link of these icone, i have to do like you said: “change links for social icons in top bar you need edit the file wp-content/themes/legenda/framework/shortcodes.php (find the section ” ! Share This Product” in line 1238) and edit links for social icons, for example, to change Facebook link find the code “?
Now, I put correctly all my posts. I can’t center image with visual composer. Any idea?
– Is it possible to have vimeo and google+ icon in my top bar (i ve only facebook and twitter)? For the link of these icone, i have to do like you said: “change links for social icons in top bar you need edit the file wp-content/themes/legenda/framework/shortcodes.php (find the section ” ! Share This Product” in line 1238) and edit links for social icons, for example, to change Facebook link find the code “?
– I put correctly all my posts with this new template. I can’t center image with visual composer. Any idea? Thank you Sébastien http://www.aitoguerriersdupacifique.com
– I put a widget of products on my shop but it’s appears before the category. Is it possible to have category first?
Thank you
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