In this page: https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/synopsis-du-film/ where you put the white background css, when i want to change the sidebar size from 1/3 to 1/4, i lost the white background it’s black again. How can i do?
thank you.
This topic has 711 replies, 86 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 11 months ago ago by Eva Kemp
In this page: https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/synopsis-du-film/ where you put the white background css, when i want to change the sidebar size from 1/3 to 1/4, i lost the white background it’s black again. How can i do?
thank you.
Hello @jack,
I have update the revolution slider plugin, can you do re setup again? Thanks for your concern.
Hello @lugas,
Unfortunately slider can’t be imported because of the error:
“Fatal error: Call to a member function getStream() on a non-object in /home/lightlys/public_html/wp-content/plugins/revslider/includes/slider.class.php on line 924”.
The same problem with slider persists with default WordPress theme – Twenty Fifteen too.
You need contact Revolution Slider authors http://codecanyon.net/item/slider-revolution-responsive-wordpress-plugin/2751380/comments regarding this issue.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Hello @sebdicam,
I’ve added this code in CSS block for that page:
.content.span9 {
padding-left: 20px;
padding-right: 20px;
and changed sidebar width to 1/4. Please check.
Please provide us with a page link where you added blockquote shortcode.
To move “Menu” text to the left use this code in custom.css:
@media (max-width: 767px){.header .menu-icon {
left: 0px !important;
As you can see on the screenshot http://storage2.static.itmages.com/i/15/0826/h_1440578172_6256660_d63008c3c3.png the block is centered, but as the image isn’t full width it’s shown as aligned to the left. In this case you have to use the code below to make it shown properly:
.wpb_single_image img {
width: 100% !important;
I’ve checked your site in Safari and haven’t seen any issues:
The icons are shown. Sorry.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
– Mobile Menu text: done. Thank you, perfect.
– Size bar with white background: i did it on the page: good, thanks but if i want the same on all my normal page, how can i do? Because i tried to change the size side bar on this page: https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/firi-firi/ and that’s doesn’t works. And actually the side bar disapear.
– For block, on all pages i put it i ve the same problem, small white vertical rectangles appear like you see here: https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/aito-guerriers-du-pacifique-naissance-dune-marque/ or https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/firi-firi/
– Safari: i just try now, it’s ok. I don’t understand since 2 days it was invisible.
– How can i change author color font on blog page? https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/aito-guerriers-du-pacifique-naissance-dune-marque/
– I ve a probleme on visual composer, when i put bold font, it’s not keep the color i want, always white. I put it off the bold, i ve the good one. Any idea?
Thank you Jack
Hello @sebdicam,
You selected “Main Sidebar” in “Widget Area” for that page, but as I see there are no widgets in “Main Sidebar” area in Appearance > Widgets, add some of them.
You’ve copied this code for blockquote shortcode: <code></code>
, I’ve removed it in the Text editor. Please check the page now.
To change author color use this code in custom.css:
.blog-post .post-info a {
color: black;
Please show a page where you added bold font and specify what color it should be.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
I don’t understand for block code, i put it like you said before [blockquote]text [/blockquote]
like in this page, still problem https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/poisson-cru-a-la-tahitienne/
i did that in visual part:
[blockquote]”Poisson cru” ou i’a ota en tahitien, ne pas confondre avec “fafaru” ou poisson faisandé, un mets également très apprécié en Polynésie .[/blockquote]
Do you write the code in “visual” or “text”?
– Author font color: done. Thank you.
-Any solution to put all my normal pages with white background and 1/3 sidebar?
– i just tried for bold font and that’s works… again weird…
Almost finish.
Thank you.
Hello @sebdicam,
You need delete <code></code>
that is shown in the screenshot:
Add this code in custom.css file for white background for all pages:
.content.span8 {
padding-left: 20px;
padding-right: 20px;
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Thank you, for the block code. That’s works.
For white background, when i change the size of sidebar to 1/4, it still black:
Thank you. It’s the last question…
Hello @sebdicam,
Use this code in custom.css too for white background:
.content.span9 {
padding-left: 20px;
padding-right: 20px;
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Dear Jack,
Perfect, that’s works.
A very big thank you for your help. I appreciate. Difficult to work on it when you don’t know nothing about css.
Work is done.
Thank you to all the team eight theme .
Last thing i just saw now:
which code to have black here : http://i58.tinypic.com/wtue8n.jpg
Hello @sebdicam,
Use this code in custom.css:
.fixed-header {
background-color: black;
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Perfect, thank you Jack.
How to change the color font of the related posts under the last pict? It s white.
Thank you
I just check the cart page, all font are in white. We dont see it. How i can change?
Use this code in custom.css to change color for related posts:
.yarpp-related a {
color: black !important;
and this code for Cart page:
.shop_table th, .woocommerce table.shop_table th, .woocommerce-page table.shop_table th, .table td, .cart_totals table th, .cart_totals td .amount, .woocommerce-shipping-calculator a, .cart-subtotal td .amount, .woocommerce-checkout-review-order-table .order-total span.amount {
color: black !important;
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Related post: ok
Cart page, only prices didn’t change still white
Thank you
Hello @sebdicam,
Please add the following code in custom.css file:
.shop_table .product-price .amount {
color: black !important;
Eva Kemp.
Hello Eva, now i have one correct, but the total price in cart page is still white.
Thanks you.
Hello @sebdicam,
Please use this code
.cart_totals td .amount, .cart_totals .order-total strong .amount{
color: black !important;
Robert Hall.
Hello Robert,
Perfect, thank you.
Hello @sebdicam,
You’re welcome.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
– Sometimes, small arrows from under menu change color, same cart menu in header (font is grey and sometimes is black). How can i fix it? http://i62.tinypic.com/2nlwug1.jpg
– I want some words from shop like “checkout, shipping….” in french. How can i do?
– The shop menu “boutique” on mobile is confused. Icon categories are not on one line.
Thank you for your work.
Hello @sebdicam,
As I see arrows are shown properly: http://storage9.static.itmages.com/i/15/0827/h_1440670059_1594231_5d4267716a.png
How can we replicate the issue?
Please show in screenshot what words you want to translate and where they are located.
“Boutique” dropdown menu is also shown fine:
Please show us a screenshot of the issue.
Eva Kemp.
Yes sometimes it’s the good color (grey) sometimes not (black):
http://i59.tinypic.com/2dhhekz.jpg (submenu)
http://i60.tinypic.com/28s37gm.jpg (header cart) (normal color font price is yellow)
For traduction:
http://i61.tinypic.com/1z671xe.jpg (checkout page)
http://i57.tinypic.com/fz95xs.jpg (cart page)
For checkout page, can i have clear font color inside grey rectangle?
For mobile, when you click on “Boutique” Categorie aren’t in one line:
For mobile too, blog post are not easy to read:
http://i61.tinypic.com/oaufpg.png –> https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/aito-guerriers-du-pacifique-naissance-dune-marque
Thank you Eva.
Unfortunately I don’t see any issues with arrows in submenu and cart widget in header:
Try to clear browser cache and cookies and check again. Also check it in another browser.
To change font color on Checkout page use this css code:
.woocommerce form .form-row label, .woocommerce-page form .form-row label {
color: black !important;
I’ve checked blog post on mobile and it’s displayed properly:
For “Boutique” categories add this css code:
@media (max-width: 767px) {.product-category {
width: 100% !important;
As I see you haven’t translate all words in fr_FR.po file in wp-content/themes/legenda/languages directory. Please check it.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Thank you. For arrow font and cart, i don’t know, some times it’s good, sometimes not.
For checkout font, i would like the code of font fill by clients (not title of field). Actually, It’s dark grey on dark background. I would like white please.
Do you know how client has to sign in ? I tried but the color font and size are too big and too light.
Thank you.
Hello @sebdicam,
Please use this css code:
form .form-row input.input-text, form .form-row textarea, form .form-row input.input-text, form .form-row textarea {
color: white !important;
form .form-row input.input-text, form .form-row input.input-text {
line-height: 1.5em !important;
color: white !important;
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Checkout page: done, thank you.
For sign in client? How can i better presentation?. Could you try to create an account to know if it’s works?
Thank you.
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