For traduction, i change all i want with fr_FR.po file but it’s still in english.
Thank you.
This topic has 711 replies, 86 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 11 months ago ago by Eva Kemp
For traduction, i change all i want with fr_FR.po file but it’s still in english.
Thank you.
I found for translation. But 3 words still in english in cart page
“shipping and handling”
Thank you.
@Eva @Jack
The font of price total is in black (cart page “panier” in french) how, can i change it
http://i59.tinypic.com/23kexxw.jpg (i show you too, the words i can’t translate).
I try to empty cache, change browser but sometime the font of homepage cart window is black:
Did yu try to login or create account on my page? Nobody can’t.
Thank you.
In boutique (shop) page, products disapeared, now, i ve only categories.
As I see products are also shown on Boutique page:
To change price color add this code in custom.css:
.shop_table .product-subtotal .amount {
color: black !important;
You can translate “Shipping and Handling” in wp-content/themes/legenda/woocommerce/cart/cart-shipping.php (line 22).
Unfortunately we can’t see any issues with cart popup window in the header. Sorry.
To have possibility to create account via “Sign In” link in the header go to Woocommerce > Settings > Accounts > tick “Enable registration on the “My Account” page”.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Color font price: done.
Shipping translation: done:
Sign in window ( white “lost password” text we don’t see it. Only for log in? . How person can register for the first time? (i enabled registration)
– How can ihave a nice presentation (and good black color) for “my account” window: http://i59.tinypic.com/2en8a6b.jpg
-I tryed to put a banner in “boutique” page…but it never appears. I think woocommerce choose this page for shop but in woocommerce settings, i didnt choose nothing. (a permalink problem?)
+ When i want to put another category in “boutique” page “like “flag” category…it does’nt appear, only 4 categories.
Thank you.
Now i have the banner and categories in boutique. I dont know what happened before.
Hello @sebdicam,
I’ve enabled register form in Woocommerce > Settings > Accounts > ticked “Enable registration on the “My Account” page”. Please check “Sign In” link now being logged out of WP Dashboard.
Add this css code to change white color on “My Account” page:
strong, myaccount_user a {
color: black;
“MY ACCOUNT” title has black background color. Do you want to change title color?
Your banner is shown on Boutique page:
Please add a category to “Boutique” page and let us know to investigate it.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Now, i have register window. Thanks but in “my account window” there is still white text and different size font. Not nice.
The background is good for me, i just want all white font in black and all in the same size.
I tried to translate in french “my account” but nothing changed.
Yes, i explained above, now i have the banner. When i tried i last week end, nothing appears.
Picture of category shop “vêtement” in “Tane-pour lui” categrory don’t appears on mobile.
Thank you
Hello @sebdicam,
I’ve edited a code a bit, now color is changed to white.
Do you want to change font size for all elements in “My account” page?
To translate page title you need go to Pages > edit “My Account” page and write the title in your language.
The category picture is shown:
Please check in another browser:
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
-“My account page” Thank you to edit the code, miss “modifier” color under “Adresse de facturation” (still white)
– Traduction is ok, thanks.
Where can i translate “item for” in cart window on homepage? I tryied on .po but still same.
Hello @sebdicam,
To translate “item” edit the file wp-content/themes/legenda/framework/woo.php (line 931), find the code <?php echo ($woocommerce->cart->cart_contents_count != 1) ? __('items', ETHEME_DOMAIN) : __('item', ETHEME_DOMAIN) ; ?>
and translate “items” and “item” words.
I’ve added this code in custom.css to change “Modify” link color:
.col-1.address a {
color: black;
Please check now.
Eva Kemp.
Perfect, all is ok. Thank you very much.
Hello @sebdicam,
You’re welcome.
Eva Kemp.
I need help for my problem, i can not resize logo menu at the top left when scrolling down page. Please check
I need help for my problem, i can not resize logo menu at the top left when scrolling down page. Please check http://prntscr.com/8b8x91
Hello @lugas,
As I see logo in fixed header is small now:
Have you resolved the issue?
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Hi there, I am a bit lost. I dont know how to open a support ticket. I downloaded the Legenda theme and i dont know which zip file to intall Legenda_Theme-v2.9 or Legenda_v1.9? thanks for your help
Hello RupDog,
you need to install Legenda 2.9 which is latest version. If you have any additional questions – feel free to ask in this topic.
Stan Russell.
Hello Again,
Some questions please:
1) New legenda update is compatible with last WP? and last Woocommerce?
2) Can i have 5 rows on this page? https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/categorie-produit/accessoires-t/drapeaux/
and i don’t why there is some blank in between.
3) when i open category, (exemple here: https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/categorie-produit/accessoires-t/drapeaux/drapeaux-personnalises/ ), i would like to change the color of title product, something more light.
4) I would like to change the color of all text products too (https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/produit/drapeau-wallisfutuna-personnalise-150-cm/) For now it’s a light grey but i woul like darker.
Thank you
Other question:
In each product page client can write a comment and give a rate. These words are still in english and i don’t find them in po file.
I need to translate:
Add a review: Ajouter un avis
Your rating: Votre note
Your review: Votre avis
submit: envoyer
Thank you!
Hello @sebdicam,
As I see some strings aren’t translated in .po file:
So check the file attentively and translate the strings.
1. Yes, new legenda version in compatible with WordPress.
2. Sorry, there is no such option for categories.
3. Add this code in custom.css to change product title color:
.archive .product-name a {
color: grey !important;
4. You have this code in custom.css:
.quick-view-popup .product-info .short-description, .single-product-page .product-info .short-description, .quick-view-popup .product-info .tagged_as a, .single-product-page .product-info .tagged_as a, .quick-view-popup .product-info .product_meta .product_meta .tagged_as, .single-product-page .product-info .product_meta .product_meta .tagged_as {
color: #9b9999 !important;
Change the color for it to the one you need.
Eva kemp.
Hello Eva,
Thanks for your answer.
– I did a mistake about translate file. I found the good one. It’s almost finish but only one word can’t be translate
” 2 reviews for” i put the correct french words but still in english. Any idea?
– On the same page above, i would like the name of product in black without the black background. (all my product)
Thank you!
Hello sebdicam,
1) you need to edit file \legenda\woocommerce\single-product-reviews.php (line 21)
We recommend you to make this customization in Child theme: https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes
2) add following css code to your custom.css file:
.single-product .product_title span {
color:black!important; background-color:transparent;
Stan Russell.
Hello Stan
Thank you. All is perfect.
I would like a special order for these categories but it’s always the same. I changed by order menu, ID….
I would like Bijoux, patch, drapeaux, le film Aito
Thank you
Hello @sebdicam,
Sorry, but this order doesn’t work in Product Categories.
Best regards,
Jack Richardson.
Ok, thank you.
Is possible to change the main font of product title in categories? (actually it’s black ops)
Thank you
you may use following code for customization of your product category titles:
.tax-product_cat .title span {
You may set other font name if needed.
We think that following article may be useful too:
Stan Russell.
Hello Stan
To changing what i want this code doesn’t work,
i mean this title product: http://i62.tinypic.com/dghw9j.jpg
on all pages categories like here https://aitoguerriersdupacifique.com/categorie-produit/accessoires-t/patch/
– I would like white background on cart page (panier in french) and checkout.
Thank you.
Hello @sebdicam,
Please use this code in custom.css file:
.archive .product-name a {
font-family: monospace;
If you change background color to white all your text won’t be visible as now font color is also white. A lot of code will need to be added. Do you still want to do this?
Eva Kemp.
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