First query please; Is Xstore compatible with Measurement Price Calculator?
-> https://woocommerce.com/products/measurement-price-calculator/
I’ve seen this so hopeful but it’s dated so just checking prior to buying another new licence – https://www.8theme.com/topic/woocommerce-measurement-price-calculator-plugin-compatibility-issue/
And – https://www.8theme.com/topic/measurement-price-calculator-error/
So is it, or isn’t it working in 2022 and if so would we need to lose the Ajax cart features?
And second query please; is there a way to copy / paste or export / import the built in email customizer templates so we can update them in bulk instead of having to create the same on each email? I mean like to change the header means going into each. It’d be easier if it allowed copy / paste – unless it’s there and I can’t see it? Or does it have a code editor element to switch from wysiwyg -> raw code as could then copy the parts needed.
Lastly, can you clarify the firebird plug-in that comes bundled, is it the free or pro variant? Similarly, woocommerce subscriptions – is this the official version (https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-subscriptions/) – reason I ask is v3.0.7 is almost 18 months out of date…
Please advise. Thank you.