we activate fake live view and product view and make string translation to both of them to Arabic using WPML https://prnt.sc/kqSyt44Mfftw but translated strings now show in arabic as u see https://prnt.sc/x0NumkjgKBdz
pls advice
This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 3 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
we activate fake live view and product view and make string translation to both of them to Arabic using WPML https://prnt.sc/kqSyt44Mfftw but translated strings now show in arabic as u see https://prnt.sc/x0NumkjgKBdz
pls advice
Please describe the problem in more detail with screenshots.
Provide temporary wp-admin and FTP access.
we activate fake live view and product view and make string translation to both of them to Arabic using WPML https://prnt.sc/kqSyt44Mfftw
in English single product page both fields show correctly
in Arabic single product page we don’t show translated strings we show the English string
pls find required ftp data
WPML > String translation > Translate texts in admin screens » search strings > Add to String Translation > then Return to String Translation and add the translation.
Clear cache and check now – https://prnt.sc/n72pmr-on3IS
thanks for your support it’s solved , can u help me same issue for string “Recently View” in single product page https://prnt.sc/LvgNQXeb5V3I
we translate it but not show in arabic as u show also we search for it in admin string but not found
pls support
As we can see it is static block, so you need to translate the static block – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/theme-translation/translation-with-wpml/
Tagged: best selling, boost, issue, sales, themes, translation, woocommerce
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