hello i want to know why i have a problem with the import demo when it complete the process i receive the error saying option not installed because my server but when i see the system statut all things are good
This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 1 years, 4 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
hello i want to know why i have a problem with the import demo when it complete the process i receive the error saying option not installed because my server but when i see the system statut all things are good
Hello, @amamatdi,
We appreciate your recent communication and your usage of XStore.
In order to assist you further, we kindly request temporary wp-admin access. This will enable us to perform the import on your behalf.
To grant us this access, you may create a new user account with an administrator role through the Dashboard. Please share the username and password with us via the Private Content area.
Additionally, we would appreciate it if you could inform us about the specific Demo you wish to import.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Kind Regards,
8Theme’s Team
thank you i solve this isue but i have another issue which is when i try to put the purchase code for activating the automatic updates of plugins i have an error saying code invalid
Hello, @amamatdi,
Thank you for your response.
We hope this message finds you well. We would appreciate it if you could provide us with more details about the specific plugin you are attempting to activate using a purchase code and the issues you are encountering.
We also recommend that you refer to our theme documentation for further assistance. You can access it here: https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/plugins/activation-and-purchase-codes/
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best Regards,
8Theme’s Team.
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Hello, @amamatdi,
We appreciate your prompt response.
Purchase code from the theme can’t be used for plugins.
As mentioned in our documentation:
“The plugins included with our theme are external. We have purchased an Extended License for each of these plugins. They are fully functional and should run perfectly.
The latest plugin versions are always available. You can find them in the theme folder, and you can get them directly from us. Simply login to your account on our site ( http://www.8theme.com/my-account/), go to the https://www.8theme.com/downloads/ page, enter your purchase code, and you’ll be granted access to the appropriate archives.
Registration of these plugins is not necessary. They will function perfectly without any need for activation.
The plugin activation option was added only for those who need to get automatic updates and support directly from plugin developers. If you need this option, you will first need to purchase and register the plugin. ”
If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our support team is always available to assist you.
Kind Regards,
8theme team
The issue related to '‘issue with theme option when i import demo’' has been successfully resolved, and the topic is now closed for further responses