Hi there,
Here I am, once again, and now I encountered two issues about the settings, one is the setting about BLOG and BLOG POST page, and the other is the breadcrumbs of the wishlist.
01. I want to add a section over here on the BLOG PAGE:
https://gyazo.com/d261134d5fb94e933e455eeec008c85d, how to make that happen? And bout the BLOG POST PAGE, I want every blog post page should have an “ABOUT AUTHOR” on the sidebar, just like this: https://gyazo.com/29ea1fcef29ebbe222ebb4380a3905bd, how to move that section over there? And about the “related post” section, I want to show 3 posts a time rather than 2 posts, how can I make that possible? Last but not least issue about the blog is, I found the comment area on the blog post is below the related posts, like this: https://gyazo.com/9e453afcceadc58b247a72f157c2207b, is there any method to exchange these two sections?
02. Another problem is the breadcrumbs of the wishlist, I found the breadcrumbs on this page is shown very odd https://www.diymag4u.com/wishlist/, and I think that is probably caused by the icon. And here is what it looks like on the website:https://gyazo.com/0e2a2eb8b8deeae76207c804d3c4c5b3, is there any way to remove that heart icon on the section of breadcrumbs? Cause I want that breadcrumbs to look like “Home>Wishlist”.
Thanks in advance, and I will be more appreciated if you show me how to fix those problems by video recording.