Hi there,
There I encountered a quite strange issue and I do not know how to fix that, every time when I visit a category and find the product through category, however, the breadcrumbs shows the product that I visit via “SHOP BY SIZE”, and that is quite strange, and I want to know how to get that issue fixed.
Here comes the video for your check:
PART01: https://gyazo.com/3c569d168b15235cb2eef02b6f39a586
PART02: https://gyazo.com/cd99f914d5a58c952a60de3771382b03
For more details that I’d like to introduce is, for example, when I click the category named “DISC MAGNETS” then that’ll take me to the page of “https://www.diymag4u.com/product-category/strong-disc-magnets/” and that works fine and the breadcrumbs is correct, and it shows like this: “Home Disc Magnets”, and when I click any of the product on that category like “https://www.diymag4u.com/product/12x2mm-circular-neodymium-magnets-for-sale-100pcs-set/” this link, however, that breadcrumbs has changed, the breadcrumbs shows like this “Home>Shop By Diameter*Thickness>12*2mm ” and that even not right at all, the right breadcrumbs should be “Home>Disc Magnets>12x2mm Circular Neodymium Magnets For Sale 100PCS Set”:
Here are two screenshots for you to check:
and now I want to know how to get that issue fixed, thanks in advance.