Hi there,
Here I am again, and I created two new pages named “Shop By Applications” and “Shop By Strength” separately, each page has several subcategories, however, the products in the subcategory I added can not over 20 products, and if I want to add more products, then the product that has already been added would be removed, and I want to how to add as many as products on the Xstore’s Products section.
Here is how I added the product to the page I created: https://gyazo.com/3e7e296d992a311e700c4356ad6ea0c8, please kindly check.
And the Product Data Settings section can not add products more than 20, but I need to add products more than that number, could you show me how can I do that?
Thanks in advance, and I’ll be more grateful if you show me how to solve that problem by video recording.