Hello, Nicolo,
Our team takes great care and deliberation in implementing any changes requested by our clients. It is with regret that we learn of any oversight on our part.
Additionally, we have noted that you did not provide a reference to the specific topic you are addressing.
Let us address your concerns systematically:
1/ “F.ex – the padding from left and right 16px is not being cathed up by elementor.” – could you please specify where exactly this is occurring? A screenshot would be most helpful for us to understand the issue.
2/ “Plus – defualt colour for text is now red. it was not this way before.” – we have not observed this in any of the screenshots you provided, nor on your website when editing a random static block. Could you please provide a more detailed example with screenshots?
3/ https://prnt.sc/n-gEBY5h-byZ – the color appeared blue because it was not selected. Once chosen in the settings, it should display correctly.
We are committed to resolving any issues you may be experiencing and would appreciate the necessary details to proceed effectively.
Best Regards,
8Theme’s Team