Good Day,
I’ve been having an awful time trying to figure out these issues and I give up. I need help, please? Please bare in mind that I am a complete novice.
1. “Add to Cart” button does not appear after the selection of attributes in the single product view. I’ve turn the Ajax “Add To Cart” feature in the theme options on and off and the result remains the same – no “Add to Cart” button.
2. Featured Product on the home page. I managed to get the featured decals to show in perfect rows / columns, however the t-shirt that I’m trying to add keep showing in all sorts of wonky ways. Sometime shirts show on the home page with the details (all the description text) and sometime the text will not show at all. Other times the shirt image appear out off line – it’s madness and I don’t understand it.
3. The Footer – can you please help me achieve the look of the Footer on
4. How can I remove the stuff (EN FR GE
£ € $) on the upper left hand corner and replace it with, say / 555-555-5555… how can I achieve that?
5. I have followed the instructions on updating the theme and woocommerce and such. I’ve even deleted and re-installed the theme and still recieve “woopress/woocommerce/cart/cart.php version 2.3.0 is out of date. The core version is 2.3.8.” I’m at a lost as to how to solve this.
Please help. Your help is truly appreciated.