Hi guys,
I have a couple of major issues and a couple of minor ones as follows:
-items added to cart stop displaying when you click on some pages. eg. dress added, then click on ‘On sale’ or ‘Dresses’ or most other pages and the cart displays as zero. The item is still there, hidden since I have tested adding another one and it then displays double. So cart displays on some pages but not all (eg. it displays on ‘My account’ and also on some individual products but its really quite random). Not good.
-I have a Woocommerce compatible Currency Switcher on the site. Likewise, when you select a currency, it will randomly display on some pages and not on others. It will also switch back and forth between one currency and another at times, showing the prices differently (if one was manually selected rather than geolocated). I know what you’ll say – ‘Go and take this up with the plugin developer’ – but the randomness and variability of how it does this is almost identical to the above cart issue so I am sensing that the two issues are related. Basically an issue of how the items are displayed on the front end and the fact that the cart & currencies switch back & forth on various pages between displaying properly & then not.
-I’ve spent the last 3 months working with developers, and my host server company to try to speed up this site. I know the theme is older and considered slow. Still, they have tried all the usual tricks – aggressive caching, code to queue scripts, various plugins which mostly didn’t work etc etc… Parsing of javascript was also tried but broke the front page slider & display. So no luck. Seemingly the site is running at 10 seconds to load due to all of the stuff in its coding. I notice that it comes with Revolutionary Slider preinstalled. I don’t need it as I have been using Layer slider. I tried to deactivate it and get rid of it to at least help a bit but I am unable to. Can you please tell me how this can be deactivated and removed? Would also appreciate any suggestions on code that can be input to speed up the site (all well known plugins have been tried and did not help).
-lastly a small request. I would like to make the review stars which appear next to the product in a different colour from the communist gray which they appear in now. Could you please let me know what code snippet I need to insert into the custom css file to make them appear a particular HEX colour?
Many thanks in advance for your reply.