Our website has been loading very slow. We have had several complaints from customer about our slow website.
We have noticed pages like the about us page, the contact page and other php pages load very slow.
This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 4 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
Our website has been loading very slow. We have had several complaints from customer about our slow website.
We have noticed pages like the about us page, the contact page and other php pages load very slow.
On first sight, your site is not slow https://gtmetrix.com/reports/officialhcgdietstore.com/RzJ4Ln6c
Hung PD
The Main page loads fast as well said above
but the pages like :
and other pages that are php pages load very slow. Some of these above pages like 2 to 3 secs to load.
about-us – 1.83s http://prntscr.com/uluz7z
contact-us – 1.73 s http://prntscr.com/ulv0jl
Speed of these pages is not bad. We are working on theme optimization but we don’t have solution for you how to speed up your site more than we described in docs https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/troubleshooting/how-to-speed-up-my-website/
Well I do not know what your looking on your end but our end is we now do not even have a workable website thanks to this template. We have been in contact with siteground all day today because our entire website is down with a 504 – Gateway Timeout since late last night.
They did a check on the website and said there was issues with the theme and said there: are issues being caused by slow database queries for your website.
Thank you
Could your hosting provider provide us with screenshots of the slow queries that they are talking about?
1) The Main page loads fast as well said above
but the pages like :
and other pages that are php pages load very slow. Some of these above pages like 2 to 3 secs to load.
2) Now we are having issues with our entire website when a customer tries to checkout : screenshot: https://prnt.sc/uuywlg
As seen on the right side of the screen the website screen just spins and take awhile to load. Also when it finally loads and the customer enters there shipping/billing info when the customer clicks submit order, the website is slow to load again. We have been having this issue the entire time a customer enters a product into there cart.
3) You requested a screenshot of all the slow inquires we finally got those and they can be seen here: https://prnt.sc/uuyzs6
1) All the available optimization settings are located in Theme Options > Speed Optimization. We tested the mentioned pages and don’t have issues with the speed. I sent you the results in previous messages.
2) I see overlay just for a millisecond and that’s all https://gyazo.com/2d2a6e3aaba01852b9af11597c8a91ea Can’t check the order process because we don’t have details to fill the eCheck fields. If you have any test credentials provide them to check. It takes some time to add to the cart but it’s no very long delay https://gyazo.com/086683a20496824101aff91274d51a4f
3) Requests that you provided are not theme requests, check them by yourself, these requests are requests from additional plugins that you use and from WooCommerce. We can do nothing with this.
We are still having a large spike in CPU usage, timeout errors etc. We website has been down a half dozen times in 2 weeks due to these issues. We reached out to our hosting company and they told us it has to due how this website is design, scripts, image optimization etc.
If your site is down then you should get some errors in the server error log. Could you provide us with the server error logs while your site is down?
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