I am getting an error on my google search console saying “elements are too close”,so,my posts may not rank well on google.Is your theme SEO friendly and how can you fix the error above
This topic has 14 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 2 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
I am getting an error on my google search console saying “elements are too close”,so,my posts may not rank well on google.Is your theme SEO friendly and how can you fix the error above
Could you, please, specify what elements are too close? We checked your site and don’t see elements with issues. So, provide us with screenshots of such elements and we’ll try to help you.
check the screenshots in the private area
Site is broken on your screenshot. We have installed cache plugin to speed up the site loading and test results are ok http://prntscr.com/vgtqy1 So, try from your side.
Now the footer is no-longer visible from the home page??
Provide URL and temporary wp-admin access.
I can see the footer on your Home page – https://prnt.sc/vqc73d Clear cache and check one more time.
Also, you need to update the theme to 7.1.3v and Core plugin to 3.1.3v – https://www.8theme.com/documentation/xstore/theme-installation/theme-update/
After the update, go to Theme Options and click on Publish.
Category descriptions are not showing up on category pages???????
Please provide URL and temporary wp-admin access, so we can take a closer look.
details in the private area
I can see the description – https://prnt.sc/vtdbw3 Describe the problem in more detail with URL, please.
The descriptions are not showing up on chrome browser,but I can see them on edge browser.
Clear cache of your chrome browser, because the description is visible for me in Chrome.
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