After updating the new theme today, i noticed that on the mobile mode, the jump to the top of page icon is massive. How can i turn this option off.
This topic has 5 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago ago by Rose Tyler
After updating the new theme today, i noticed that on the mobile mode, the jump to the top of page icon is massive. How can i turn this option off.
I had the same problem (see last top posts on this link: https://www.8theme.com/topic/after-update-look-this/#post-270362)
Solution: Try to flush your WordPress cache and browser cache then check again. Google how to clear both caches if not sure ?
The issues appear to relate to the new scroll function.
Edit: To answer your question (https://prnt.sc/xodkpa)
Thank you for your help, however, i did clear the cache, etc. I ended up turning off the setting in the theme options.
Did you clear both caches?
The one in WordPress and your browser?
And glad my screenshot helped you turn off the feature.
Hopefully, an upate will be released asap as a lot of users are raising the same bug!
Hello Shayan,
You need to clear cache of your browser, server, and CDN cache.
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