Hi there,
I have managed to edit part of the single product page template, but now i am stuck as i cannot find the correct files to edit further, for reference this is a link to the screenshot of the page i am discussing…
What i wish to do is…
1) Move the information in the [Product Description] tab into the main section of the product page.
2) Move the Short Description into the old product description tab (unless someone can explain why there is a reason that these seem to be backwards?)
3) Remove the [More Info] tab, and move the information above the Buy Now button.
Basically, my trouble is that i cannot find out which template file generates the [Product description], [More Info], [Reviews] to edit them. Where are these generated?
Secondary to that, i would like to add…
1) Recently viewed products underneath the related products section.
2) Understand how to edit the [Buy Now] button so that i can…
a) Hard code the text that is displayed site wide for affiliate products.
b) Hard code tracing variables to the affiliate link.
I fully understand that for 2a) and 2b) i can edit the button name, and link for each product but this is time consuming and i wish to hard code it across the sitr.
Any ideas or help would be appreciated, thanks.