Most of our items have large variants. More like 50 or 60
If customer takes all 60 variants and they sleep on it. Next day our of those 60, 20 are either low in stock and some are out of stock.
1. Cart Message just says the title which is in question not the variant. So customer have no idea which one is effected. So they remove all 60 one by one but may be effected items is last in cart so it’s making them really mad.
2. In many carts we have seen the message on top which item variant is in question plus in cart they automatically adjust to Avaliable quantity. If they selected one varaint quantity of 34 and Avaliable quantity is now 26 it would high light the item and cross out 34 and select 26 or even 0 is out or ask them to remove saying zero stock now. The message is shown per item bases so they know.
The title message on top of the cart shows some issues with items, please review or update cart.