I noticed your theme loads the fonts from the google severs instead of pushing them locally from the site.
Due to GDPR it is highly recommended to push the fonts from the site itself instead of google’s servers. As an example, Elementor does this, it pushes the fonts you choose as files from my site directly.
Recently there was a case where a webmaster was sued in Germany ( and he lost ) due to privacy issue , because he was using google fonts and loaidng them from google’s servers.
Any plans to change this in the near future?
Also on a side note i notice your theme css specifies the font used without any fallback. So if I where to use Opensans for body text then the css would be like font-family: Open Sans;
Instead of using a fallback to a system font like font-family: ‘Open Sans’, sans-serif; for example
Any plans on updating this in the future?
Thank you