Every time we update the theme and xstore core plugin, we lose the translations made with Loco Translate. It has already happened to us twice, even the translations made in the child theme.
We await your comments.
This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Every time we update the theme and xstore core plugin, we lose the translations made with Loco Translate. It has already happened to us twice, even the translations made in the child theme.
We await your comments.
You need to translate the parent theme. The child theme should be translated only in case you added custom code in child theme that includes localization functions. To prevent the translation loss after updates, make sure you placed translation files of the theme into the /wp-content/languages/themes/ folder with correct names (language name and xstore theme suffix, e.g xstore-de_DE.po, xstore-de_DE.mo).
System location – https://prnt.sc/woup5x
XStore core plugin – wp-content/languages/plugins folder.
NOT to wp-content/themes/xstore/languages (wp-content/plugins/et-core-plugin/languages) folder.
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