I am trying to integrate MailChimp for WordPress plugin with your registration forms. I would like to suggest signing up for my newsletter every time someone is creating a new customer account on my website.
On the MailChimp for WordPress integration page there is an option “Registration Form” and its description is as follows: “Subscribes people from your WordPress registration form”. What it does is adding the checkbox “Sign me up for the newsletter!” to registration form.
There are following links in your top bar: “WISHLIST”, “SIGN IN” and “REGISTER”, and you have 2 registration forms in your theme available when one clicks “SIGN IN” or “REGISTER” accordingly. The problem is that the “Sign me up for the newsletter!” checkbox shows only when I click “SIGN IN” and it does not show on REGISTER page, where most of my new customers create their accounts.
Is there something I or you can do to make it more functional? Thank you in advance.
Best regards,