Dear Support,
earlier I’ve set some details in Custom CSS to change the appearance of the main menu and the sticky menu (colors, dropdown menu position etc.) with your help about the right codes. Since the last upgrade, these modifications don’t work. Could you please help me?
The added codes were these:
.menu .nav-sublist-dropdown {
top: 30px;
.fixed-header-area .menu .nav-sublist-dropdown {
top: 20px;
margin-top: 25px !important;
Now there are again a little space between the main menu and the sub menu, and because of this the sub menu isn’t usable.
.menu .nav-sublist-dropdown, .menu-wrapper .menu-main-container > ul .nav-sublist-dropdown ul > li ul {
background-color: #5d5d5d;
And now the background of the drop-down menu is lighter, so the text is unreadable.
Also some change happened with the colors of the Sticky menu, now they are white (they were grey), but I haven’t changed it before, and I can’t find where to do it now.
I would like to re-set the text colors and background colors in all of the menus (main menu and its first and secondary sub menus, Sticky menu and all of its sub menus).
I’ve added my page address to the private content, so you can see there what I’m talking about.
Wp access is also provided there.
Thank you for your help,