Our megamenu is built via static blocks. On front end it looks as if CSS is not detected https://prnt.sc/1xqnm48. This is how it looks on backend https://prnt.sc/1xqnrk7.
I tried the following and it didn’t help
1. Reset WP Engine cache. It did not fix.
2. Regenerated Elementor CSS & Data. It did not fix.
3. Disabled nearly everything in Appearance > Speed Optimization. It did not fix https://prnt.sc/1xqo0xy
4. Re-enabled everything in Files Generator https://prnt.sc/1xqo7fh. It did not fix.
Potential solution: I think because in the past i have enabled static block cache and maybe that it is served from cache. The reason why I came to this conclusion is because when Static Block Cache is enabled it shows some design https://prnt.sc/1xqoegl.