Kindly assist in regards to Menu size issue. Our site jbfoods.org is being developed with X store Organic theme. And upon import of the theme, the theme menu font size is smaller, whereas the original one shows much larger font size.
This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 3 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
Kindly assist in regards to Menu size issue. Our site jbfoods.org is being developed with X store Organic theme. And upon import of the theme, the theme menu font size is smaller, whereas the original one shows much larger font size.
Can’t check your site because of Maintenance mode http://prntscr.com/psashp
Provide us with temporary Dashboard access to check your site and help you.
Kindly check the private box for credentials. Thank you
Check your header now. You can manage the menu size using menu settings of the header builder https://gyazo.com/65b1adcb5ec0894d7787b3e75577beaa
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