Could you, please, provide us with WP Dashboard and FTP access to your site to check the settings and files code and help you?
This topic has 16 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
Could you, please, provide us with WP Dashboard and FTP access to your site to check the settings and files code and help you?
1) We need link to your WP Dashboard, username and password of the user with admin permission to allow us to check the backend setting. You may create the user via Dashboard > Users and remove it once we finish. Keep in mind that we need access to all the settings while creating user and choosing the user role.
2) Contact your hosting provider. Hosting provider should know what FTP is. We need FTP host, FTP user, FTP password to connect to your server and check theme/child theme files.
Use Private content area to provide this information http://prntscr.com/s931w6
Hello, my site is not self-hosted, it is fully hosted with wordpress.com (Business Plan). Is it still possible under these conditions for you to offer me help?
Thank you,
Look, we need link to your backend + username and pass to log in and check the settings and also access to theme files. I’m not sure about of all the moment of your hosting. I need just the mentioned information to proceed. Reply back with
1) Link to site backend + username + password to log in
2) FTP/SFTP access to WP installation to check the theme files.
Here is the needed information
Admin credential is incorrect, please check again
Hung PD
I just contacted wordpress about this issue and they gave me this information:
Please follow Ogla’s instructions to create account
We need link to your WP Dashboard, username and password of the user with admin permission to allow us to check the backend setting. You may create the user via Dashboard > Users and remove it once we finish. Keep in mind that we need access to all the settings while creating user and choosing the user role.
Hung PD
It seems you are confused about this issue, I will attached the conversation I had with a wordpress specialist so you have a better understanding of how you can help me.
There is account page on your site http://prntscr.com/sfu4ip Can you, please, provide us with valid username and password with admin permissions to log in to your Backend? Let’s pause the FTP access. Just provide us with a simple WP Dashboard user and pass with admin permissions. We’ll check the theme settings first and in case we will need FTP we’ll proceed with the creation an account on WordPress.com.
I just send the invitation, you can log in through the website account page.
Thank you
Check now.
I am still encountering the previously marked issues. I have sent an email with images explaining in detail all the issues, so there is a better understanding of them.
Thank you,
We provide support via support forum only. Please, don’t use that email for the support questions. We sent you that email only for the invitation!
If you need to share your images use Lightshot screenshot free tool https://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html
1) To translate registration popup go to Loco Translate > Plugins > XStore Core plugin > edit plugin translation http://prntscr.com/sguzp0
2) Refresh the page after resize. Fixed header script calculates the correct position of the header taking into account the device width while loading the page, if you just resize the page it does not re-calculate the position.
3) Do you use Elementor menu cart element anywhere on your site? Because it looks that Elementor Pro just replaces the content of our mini-cart http://prntscr.com/sgusfp
It’s not our theme cart content, that’s why you have this issue. Once I disable the Elementor Pro and enable it again I don’t see the issue https://gyazo.com/6850fd3cd72fdd028f8421ce0d3dcbd4 but then you tell me that it appears again and I suppose you add the Elementor cart element somewhere on your site and that causes mentioned issue. Could you tell us where?
4) Customers could be redirected to the cart page by click at the cart title https://gyazo.com/2526fc2381388b0632f74bc5eef1e824 If you suggest to add the button, please, submit feature request here https://www.8theme.com/taskboard/ and our developers will implement this of your proposition gets many likes.
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