Could you please help to fix the mini cart?
At this moment it shows two checkout selections
And does not show ”delete” product option.
This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 1 months ago ago by emmi4
Could you please help to fix the mini cart?
At this moment it shows two checkout selections
And does not show ”delete” product option.
Disable minicart in the Elementor settings https://prnt.sc/26nx5us https://elementor.com/help/menu-cart-widget-pro/
Sorry, but under Elementor -> Settings -> Integrations I have only Google Maps Embed API.
And I`m not using Elementor Pro.
Maybe there’s a problem because I’ve used another theme before?
But on my staging site everything is correct after theme change!
Finally solved the problem! Simply Regenerate Elementor CSS & Data.
The issue related to '‘Mini cart shows two checkout selections.’' has been successfully resolved, and the topic is now closed for further responses