We’ve run into an issue that I hope you can help with. We’ve been working with the developer of Woocommerce Google Tag Manager Pro to get all tracking working and verified with our site. He’s run into an issue that is causing our “select_item” event is not firing correctly as a result of missing classes in the product title. Here’s what he says:
Of course, basically theme should use woocommerce native functions to render html templates (e.g. product tile on product list). These function add classes/parameters to rendered html elements. Product lists in your theme looks like this (this is one of listed products):
<div class=”first grid-sizer wishlist-disabled col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-6 product-hover-slider product-view-default view-color-dark arrows-hovered et_cart-on hide-hover-on-mobile wc-prl-cat-525-527-421-419 wc-prl-tag-3196 product type-product post-47213 status-publish instock product_cat-accessories product_cat-gifts product_cat-jewelry-product-categories product_cat-jewelry product_tag-seas-s23 has-post-thumbnail taxable shipping-taxable purchasable product-type-simple”>
<div class=”content-product et-product-height-calculated”>
<div class=”product-image-wrapper hover-effect-slider”>
<p class=”stock in-stock step-1″>4 in stock</p><div class=”images-slider-wrapper”>
</div> <footer class=”footer-product”>
<div class=”text-center product-details”> <h2 class=”product-title”>
2″ Extender/Coverter with Magnetic Clasp
<div class=”products-page-brands”>
Holly Yashi
<span class=”price”><span class=”woocommerce-Price-amount amount”><bdi><span class=”woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol”>$</span>40.00</bdi></span></span>
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and this is code from another theme, with standard WooCommerce classes:
<li class=”product type-product post-99 status-publish first instock product_cat-bedroom has-post-thumbnail sale shipping-taxable purchasable product-type-simple”>
<h2 class=”woocommerce-loop-product__title”>Comfortable gray bed</h2><div class=”star-rating” role=”img” aria-label=”Rated 4.50 out of 5″><span style=”width:90%”>Rated <strong class=”rating”>4.50 out of 5</span></div>
<span class=”onsale”>Sale!</span>
<span class=”price”><span class=”woocommerce-Price-amount amount”><bdi><span class=”woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol”>£</span>300.00</bdi></span> <span class=”woocommerce-Price-amount amount”><bdi><span class=”woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol”>£</span>250.00</bdi></span></span>
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In your case, element (link to product) looks like this:
In case of other themes, element looks like this:
In your theme there is no “woocommerce-loop-product__link” nor “woocommerce-LoopProduct-link” (there is “product-content-image” instead), this is the problem.
Is this something you can fix up for us?? Your assistance is, as always, appreciated. We love running Xstore on our site!