Hi, i can´t change colors of mobile menu dropdown, it´s all black
This topic has 24 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 4 years, 8 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
Hi, i can´t change colors of mobile menu dropdown, it´s all black
how can i show this menus on mobile too? https://prnt.sc/rbxp81
Go to Appearance > Menus > create new menu that will include all the necessary links, save it and then choose this menu in mobile menu settings of the header builder to show for the mobile devices.
hi, when i open the menu in mobile (smartphone) appears 2 menus, menu and categories, how i can hide one of this tabs, i only want to show the categories. This tab close in 4-5 seconds and if i want to open one more time its make me refresh the page…
There is no option to hide the main menu and show the categories block only. But you can hide the categories block and choose the previously created menu with categories instead of the main menu in the element settings http://prntscr.com/ru68zq
Provide WP Dashboard and FTP access to your site to check the issue with the reloading in more detail.
Hi, im trying to adjust the menu of categories but i have problems with category called empotrables, if yo can see in frontend is not the same. how i can make this? to have the same look like the others…
Could you provide temporary wp-admin access?
hi, i’m trying to order this elements, in backend is ok but here not show the order i put.
Sorry, but your question is a bit unclear for me. Please describe it in more detail and provide temporary wp-admin access.
ok sorry, look at this pictures, is not the same order, how can i fix this?
Thanks for screenshots. To give a solid response, I need to take a closer look at your settings of Mobile menu. Please provide temporary wp-admin access.
ok there are, in summary i want the both menus the same order.
Edit settings of the mobile menu – http://prntscr.com/t2to92
If you select to show the menu on the Categories tab – https://prnt.sc/t2to92 you will get items of the menu there https://prnt.sc/t4gitz = http://prntscr.com/t4s3h0 I do not see any problem, content is shown according to your settings.
yes, but the proble is if i put the menu “categorias movil” isn`t showing the subcategories…in mobile
https://prnt.sc/t4sdbz here is showing and is not the same order.
https://prnt.sc/t4sevy and here isn´t showing and have the right order i want…
OK, i know how its works now but there are closing the menu, why? and after this not works the page. see this please
Content of your Newsletter is empty so, delete this element from the header http://prntscr.com/t51xyh Then go to Header builder > Mobile menu > Dropdown Opening Action > Off. Clear cache and check the menu on a real device.
hi, i made all this things and it´s not working… still happening the same i send you at the last vídeo . In real device.
hi one more time, i change the place of the menus, and in real device its´working now, but i preffer see the categories in first tab…
Do you want to change the order of tabs in the mobile menu – Categories fist one, then Menu tab?
Yes, but isn`t working good in the left side
Submit a request about the ability to reorder mobile menu tabs here – https://www.8theme.com/taskboard/ and if this request gets many likes we’ll implement it in one of the next updates.
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