I am using the Royal Theme and the Royal Child theme for all of my customizations. My site is nearly ready to launch but the mobile “hamburger” menu icon does not work on more than 50% of the pages on the site. I can’t figure out why. Your help is greatly appreciated!
I’m not using these plugins (they are not installed). I have deleted unused plugins to prevent them from slowing down the WordPress site.
– Contact Form 7
– Essential grid
– Master Slider
– Screets Chat
– Wishlist
– WooCommerce
I’ve cloned the site so there are two copies of it. Then I updated the theme and disabled most 3rd-party plugins on one copy. I’ve tried to organize this so it’s easy to review even if it’s a bit unusual formatting.
This site http://blsandbox1.wpengine.com is using Royal 2.9 theme (with the child theme active) and all plugins disabled.
This site http://blsandbox1.staging.wpengine.com is using Royal 2.6 theme (with child theme active) and some plugins are active. Of the recommended and required plugins, these three are installed but inactive:
– Revolution Slider
– Ultimate addons for Visual Composer
– Visual Composer
The pages that the mobile menu DOES work on:
The homepage (template file: front-page.php)
Single Pest Pages:
Individual Bird pages (template file: single-birds.php)
Individual Rodent pages (template file: single-rodents.php)
Individual Pest pages (template file: single-pests.php)
City pages (single-cities.php) — there are dozens of these so I’m not linking to them.
The mobile menu does NOT work on:
Individual plan pages (template file: page-individual-plan.php) there are dozens of these so I’m not linking to them.
Pest parent pages
Pests page (page-pests-plural.php)
Birds page (page-birds-plural.php)
Rodents page (page-rodents-plural.php)
Specialty Pests page (page-specialty-pests-plural.php)
County pages:
Orange County (taxonomy-county-orange-county.php)
Riverside County (taxonomy-county-riverside-county.php)
San Diego County (taxonomy-county-san-diego-county.php)
Blog page (archive.php)
Single Blog Posts (single.php)
Contact Us page (page_contact.php)
About Us page (page_about.php)
HTML Sitemap page (page-sitemap.php)
A few other notes:
When I activate the parent theme and not the child theme, the mobile menu works. But I have no idea why it works here but not for the child theme files.
I’ve inspected the code — comparing the portion of the code that surrounds the mobile menu icon but I don’t see any difference in it between the pages where the mobile menu works and those where it does not. I do not see any hidden elements in front of the mobile menu that might prevent me from pressing/clicking on it. (adding CSS to change the z-index to bring this to the front doesn’t have any effect.)
I appreciate your help and thank you in advance for looking at this with me!