Hi, I’m having problems with the mobile menu. When clicking the button for mobile menu (left above) it unfolds the mobile menu with the main categories like I want to. Right next to each main categorie there is an arrow shown which should unfold the subcategories. Unfortunately by clicking the categorie text OR arrow the mobile menu folds back in. When I click the icon for mobile menu again, it opens again AND then shows the clicked subcategories. That is not the way I need I to work. So can you tell me how to make it work the following way:
By clicking the mobile menu icon it should open/unfold and show my main categories. By clicking the names of categories AND/OR the arrow right beside the name of the categorie it should unfold the SUBcategories below WITHOUT folding in the complete mobile menu and forcing my customers to re-click the mobile menu icon left above. Also see the attached file for some clarification. In other words the mobile menu should remain visible until a customer chooses a subcategorie.
I hope you can help me. My website is not yet live.