Mobile Menu and Off-Canvas Cart/Wishlist is not working on some phones and browsers.
I have read the other forum posts. Besides clearing the cache, they do not offer a solution.
I have 3 android phones. A combination of Firefox, Duckduckgo, and Chrome, the menu button sporadically works sometimes on some browsers and phones, but at the same time, not on other browsers and phones. I’m also testing with desktop Firefox and chrome in their mobile test versions.
I also tried on my wife’s iPhone 8Plus Safari browser, can never get it to work.
I have tried on my iPad, can not get it to work.
I’ve tried re-setting the menu button settings and off-canvas settings in the theme customize screen.
Cleared WP cache mutiple times
Cleared browser caches over and over and over
Tried incognito mode too
I tried disabling all my plugins that do not come bundled with the theme, then clearing WP cache, then clearing Browser caches, still doesn’t work!
HELP!! 🙂