Sorry for the trouble in regards to this question, we have a hard time on trying to say what we mean in regards to this issue.
When you view this demo from a mobile; https://xstore.8theme.com/elementor/demos/niche-market02/
and then go to categories, and click on the words “furniture”
it opens a sub menu (furniture set) on the same page, just under the main category (furniture). it shows them on the same “page” like this
– furniture set
we have seen websites, where once you click this (what would be furniture) it then goes into a separate “page” menu and shows the sub categories versus opening them under on the same page. we have added a domain on the PCA.
when you view the website from a mobile, and click on the words “camp & hike” it then opens/shows the categories on a different page versus opening them under the words “camp & fire”
so versus showing it like this;
Camp & Hike
– backpacks
– tents
– sleeping bags
(as it would currently using xstore)
when you click the words camp and fire, it goes to a different page and shows things such as backpacks, tents, sleeping bags etc. and then you have options to go even “deeper” in the categories.
thanks for your help and we are sorry for the confusing way of asking for help for this issue. ??