Hello EightTheme Team!
I hava an issue with the mobile view on my template (Browser and Android-View):
When i change the viewport to 1200px the Mobile-Nav-Button is in the Logo. This Problem happens on your demo-Size as well (for example https://www.8theme.com/demo/royal/?page_id=17176&et_styles=0-3-1-14-0-1 only in Firefox viewport 1200px).
The main-problem on our site is that we cannot click on the submenu-links when the viewport is 980px.
We have tried other header-styles but the problem is always the same. You can check it here: http://www.pictura-bau.de/ (go to “Uber uns” then you can see the submenu). We have cleared all custom.css code for testing but the problem ist still alive.
Can you help us?