Hello,i just finished setting up my website thanks to your help i’ve almost finished my website after two intense months of work.Anyway…
The thing is that I just visited my site from my cellphone and what I saw horrified me, so the site does not look at all as it should look like the web version. The images don’t load, the products in the image on the main page don’t load, and if I choose an AMP version or something like that, it does a little better, but anyway everything looks horrible.
What could I do? I could somehow turn off the mobile version of the site, or I could somehow optimize it quickly, as I have already wasted a lot of time on the web version.
the image in the product category does not correspond to the one on the web version
Another problem, instead of displaying the banner, it says: banner title, banner content, although everything looks beautiful on the web version
I already edited all this stuff, but it shows me this…
In the product list, the image of the products does not load, how come?
I can only choose the ps4-ps5 platform, but the 2nd option that requires choosing the rental period is not available, why?
By the way, I have already translated the entire site into Romanian, but here it shows me everything in English, how could I solve this?