Hi, i already read all the post about the translate of the mobile panel and I did it, i searched in string translation with WPML and i did it but not all the voices of the mobile panel are translate in ENG.
Can you help me with this?
This topic has 18 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago ago by Olga Barlow
Hi, i already read all the post about the translate of the mobile panel and I did it, i searched in string translation with WPML and i did it but not all the voices of the mobile panel are translate in ENG.
Can you help me with this?
Here’s the credentials, i tested them and they works
Thanks for the reply. Provide FTP access also.
If you do not know how to create FTP contact with your hosting provider, they will help you.
Actually we have disabled de mobile panel because we had to go online with our website, but we still need the translation
You provided access to empty FTP directory https://gyazo.com/6470214c81665d803ff248867965e787
Please, provide us with access to your WP installation.
Sorry try now
Thank you. I have passed your issue to our developers. They will be able to start from Monday. I’ll inform you once they fix the problem.
Any news?
Sorry for the delay in answering. We need a bit more time to give you a solid reply. Our technicians will continue to work on this question after the weekend. Please be patient.
I updated the theme but we still have the same problem, i can’t translate the mobile panel with wpml.
This type of field https://prnt.sc/1rlxwgi has some glitch with translation. We are trying to recode this field to fix the problem but with no luck at this moment. So, I was able to change the text for the mobile panel item using only custom code that I added to your child theme functions.php.
Check now, please.
It works but I can’t use custom icon, it doesn’t appears
I tried with long url and short url but nothing
What custom icon do you want to use there? Do you want to change icon for both languages or for the only one?
Provide us with WP Dashboard and FTP access to your site to help you.
The Icon will be the same in both languages and will be like this:
For which mobile panel item do you want to apply this icon? You have 3 items there.
I Just want to know how to Do It, its the same
You need to add the image id instead of the link,
For example
"icon_custom" =>"5688",
Or provide us with FTP access to check and help you.
Also, clear the CDN cache because we updated theme to the latest version and some CSS and JS files are cached probably.
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