I would like to have the large blocks stack instead of becoming a slider when on mobile is that possible or a setting …?
so to look more like this in mobile
This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago ago by Rose Tyler
I would like to have the large blocks stack instead of becoming a slider when on mobile is that possible or a setting …?
so to look more like this in mobile
Then move the banners out of the carousel element to row with 4 columns. Check now.
thank you It worked as I wanted. NOTE I can not submit a new topic event hough i have an active license and it is say i have no license
That’s strange. Try again and provide me screenshot of the error you get.
I did try again and a couple more times as well.
Provide us with access to 8theme account to allow us to check this issue and help you.
I put the login in private content area
While I wait for that I am going to put the item that i was going to ask about in my new topic in my next reply,
I am working with a data migration company to utilize a wholesale parts suppliers api on a clients site. We are trying to figure out how to bring all the brands and connect them to the themes brand taxonomy, I will add him into an email response from you if that is possible and maybe he can give some insight on what we may need to do it or if you have any suggestions maybe he can elaborate on it. The site is using the x theme and url is kineticmotorworks.com my email address is neb@nebcreative.com again i want to try to include him in the email his email is jay@dataheretothere.com thank you
I was able to submit a new topic from your account (using credentials that you provided) – https://www.8theme.com/topic/data-migration/
You need to be on XStore thread to post the topic – https://www.8theme.com/forums/xstore-wordpress-support-forum/ > http://prntscr.com/r2pbun
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