I want to make changes to the mobile version of my site, but when I go through WPbakery page builder, the changes appear on all versions of the site, and not on the mobile version only.
Can you explain me what can i do?
This topic has 12 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 9 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
I want to make changes to the mobile version of my site, but when I go through WPbakery page builder, the changes appear on all versions of the site, and not on the mobile version only.
Can you explain me what can i do?
What exactly do you want to change?
You can hide content via Responsive Options for mobile or desktop http://prntscr.com/nsrzt5
For example, on one of my pages, the font is too big for the mobile version, but when I modify it in wpbakery, it also changes in the PC version, moreover, the layout is not the same
Use such screenshot maker as Lightshot https://prnt.sc/ and provide screenshots.
Provide URL and temporary wp-admin access, so we can take a close look.
Try to set font-size in em or rem.
Look at the page ” mon royaume” at the pc version and the mobile version , the title “prenez soin de vous” is not the same, also, the copyright footer does not have the same color on the mobile version… and other things too
1) The problem on mobile is caused by line-height: 4; – http://prntscr.com/nssfv1 http://prntscr.com/nssfgn
Change “4” to “1.2” and select Content position – Middle for this row – http://prntscr.com/nssgzd
2) The problem with content of the copyright is a bit unclear for me. Please describe in more details.
I would recommend you to create content for the footer using static block -https://youtu.be/1Nu49dskD1Q
Here is an example from our demo – https://xstore.8theme.com/demos/2/babyland01/
http://prntscr.com/nssiuz = http://prntscr.com/nssj2x http://prntscr.com/nssjgs http://prntscr.com/nssjnb
I made the changes, and the problem persists, the title “prenez soin de vous” is not arranged in the same way on the mobile version and on the PC version
for the static block, I did as you told me, but on the mobile version, everything is off
1) Please check now http://prntscr.com/nt46df I’ve made changes as was described in the previous reply.
2) Please check the footer static block now.
As I can see, you are using the latest version of WooCommerce, so you need to update XStore theme to 5.3 version and Core plugin to 1.2.2 version
thank you very much so I have three questions:
How did you make your changes to the mobile verison on the page “mon royaume” does not affect the pc version?
Was the problem of the
footer static block due to the update of the theme that I did not do?
Can I remove the image of the title in “mon royaume” page, but only in the mobile version
1) I’ve set http://prntscr.com/nt5scv and http://prntscr.com/nt5sg4 , that affect both versions (desktop and mobile) and looks nice on both.
2) No. I’ve changed settings for the content of the static block to make it looks better. Please check, for example, http://prntscr.com/nt5t8p http://prntscr.com/nt5tcf
3) http://prntscr.com/nt5ttm or http://prntscr.com/nt5u3i
Thank you for your time its perfect!!
Last question please, the translations I made with LOCO will be removed when I update wordpress, do you have a trick to avoid this?
You’re welcome!
Backup all the files before any update.
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