Hi there!
Could you please help with the following?
1. In mobile version the button “Review order” overlaps the note “x has been added to your cart”. How can we ceparate them?
2. The same story is with the rating and the stars, which overlap in mob. devices:
3. Also in mobile version the list of the products in “Cart” doesn’t fit into screen and must be scrolled horizontally. How can we fix that it would fit the screen?
4. Where can we translate “enteryour@addresshere.com”, that appears when sharing by e-mail?
5. There are some phrases that are still depicted in English, although they are translated in PO files:
– have/has been added to your cart;
– Out of stock (in circle on catalogue page)
– Parts of the letter to client translations are missing:
Your order has been received and is now being processed. Your order details are shown below for your reference:
Your details
Weight (additional info)
Dimensions (additional info)
Please advice how can we fix it. Credentials are below
Kind regards,