Hello, good night, good morning or what ever it is at your time zone. Here is night, I’m watching naked girls, and getting sleepy.
So, just before continuing with the girls I really need some help from you. My boss lady, wanted to make a little feature for her website, witch I’m administrating. So here is the deal. When she sell her clothes, and a specific product is out of stock, she wanted to have a icon on the product, that is marking it as “Out of stock” or “Sold out”. No problem i found a little plug-in that does the trick – here check it out :
https://wptavern.com/easily-show-when-woocommerce-items-are-new-on-sale-or-sold-out-with-woo-stickers – this is the article
https://wordpress.org/plugins/woo-stickers-by-webline/ – and this is the plug-in page on wordpress.org
So, downloading, uploading, installing, activating, setting. Everything is cool and it is working, almost perfectly. Saying almost, because it goes only on the single product page.
Said simple – on a product page, for a product that it is out of stock it is displaying the icon, and everything is good. But on the “Shop” page of the theme, when you watch over the list of products, it’s not displaying the “Sold out” icon.
It will be really very sexy, for me, my lady boss, and the clients the products that are out of stock, to be labeled in that page too, so they don’t bother to check douse products witch are actually out of stock.
If it has to be paid, for extra features I’m willing to pay, as long i don’t have to eat beens for the hall month. Other wise no troubles. Can provide you, versions, system status, system information, etc. Anything you need.
Thx in advance. Have a nice time