How does I get more space around the mobile cart icon – it is not placed like the left menu icon.
– On top of slider the cart icon on mobile is placed 6px from the right edge while the menu icon is placed 16px?? it does not look good. How can I move the cart icon 16px from the right edge?
See: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wil3yf2c6yrcn8n/more-space-on-mobile.jpg?dl=0
See: http://www.smooff.net/
– Scroll down top menu – the cart icon is also placed to much to the right in relation to the menu icon on the left. Again it is placed 6px from the right edge while the menu icon is placed 30px??
How can I move the cart icon 30px from the right edge?
See: https://www.dropbox.com/s/br78oqdmcmdhowl/scrolldown-mobile-menu-cart-icon.jpg?dl=0
Best regards