we have a problem with multiple orders on same products at the same time https://prnt.sc/qnye74 I think it causes multiple clicking on button “place order” – can we disable button after clikcing on it (turn grey)?
Thanks a lot Olaf
This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 1 months ago ago by Rose Tyler
we have a problem with multiple orders on same products at the same time https://prnt.sc/qnye74 I think it causes multiple clicking on button “place order” – can we disable button after clikcing on it (turn grey)?
Thanks a lot Olaf
1) WooCommerce does not have the option to disable “place order” button.
2) We think that your issue is related to your custom code in the child theme functions.php. Point is that when a user places order he gets the error http://prntscr.com/qo12o4 and he thinks that order was not placed and do it again and again. But it was even after the first time http://prntscr.com/qo1460
If you check the woocommerce error log you’ll find the error http://prntscr.com/qo15ql So, fix the error and then try to place the order again.
Thanks a lot it was definitely it.have a nice day.Olaf
You’re welcome!
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